Simple Circus Related Words

Color the words that you familiar with using different colors.
Circus related words. There are 500 circus-related words in total with the top 5 most semantically related being clown carnival sideshow acrobatics and trapeze. Acrobat admission amusement park animals applaud attractions audience. To move briskly and often ostentatiously bustled around the kitchen.
Any word in this worksheet can be a subject for discussion. _____ Print as many as you want for personal use. Distinguish between the familiar ones and those who dont.
Clown acrobatics sideshow carnival trapeze juggling troupe rodeo ringmaster arena unicycle philip astley elephant gymnastics trampoline circular genus circus hippodrome magic philadelphia circus maximus lenin ussr circus tent contemporary circus parade bear horse clowns vaudeville magician cat burlesque cirque barnum extravaganza pantomime acrobats antics frenzy opera dog pablo fanque donkey. According to the Oxford Dictionary of English circus as a noun can have the following definitions. A condition of civil unrest or insurrection The commotion was finally brought to an end and peace was restored.
You can get the definition s of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. Synonyms Antonyms of circus 1 a large usually roofless building for sporting events with tiers of seats for spectators the Roman circus is believed to have held 50000 spectators in ancient times. Balancing act balloons band banner bear bicycle big top booth bow bumper cars.
Circus related words and phrases. Words Related to circus. The book has pages for the student to cut out read write words in and color.
Carnival fairground circus - related words and phrases Cambridge SMART Vocabulary. Circus Words A short printable book about the circus - for early readers. A wild uproar as because of anger or excitement in a crowd of people Pandemonium erupted in the courtroom when the verdict was announced.